1. Dr. Carmen Van den Bergh - Leiden University

Carmen Van den Bergh is assistant professor in Italian Literature at the Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society (LUCAS) where she is director of the Italian Language and Culture Department, track leader for Italian in the MA Literary Studies and quartermaster for the new BA programme Modern Languages. Simultaneously she works in Belgium at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) as a Senior Research Fellow for the Flemish Council for Scientific Research (FWO) with a project on the role of writers in newspapers and magazines of the Italian Novecento. Other research specializations are Italian ‘modernism’, prose writings during the Italian interwar, (neo)realism in film and literature, archival research, the literary canon and digital humanities.


2. Lourdes Tanhueco-Nepomuceno, Ph.D. - University of the Philippines Diliman

A true academician and esteemed public intellectual, Dr. Lourdes Tanhueco-Nepomuceno is a Filipino with Chinese ancestry who takes pride in her bicultural roots.

Backed by her robust academic training and relevant professional, corporate and international experience in both private and public sectors, Nepomuceno is a visionary in her own right. In an era where China is no longer viewed as another player but a formidable force to reckon with in globalization, she employs her knowledge and passion in aiding communities to bridge major socio-cultural gaps through language and communication arts.


3. Dr. Clive Hilton - The Open University, UK


Prior to rejoining The Open University, at Coventry University, he collaboratively redesigned the former MSc Industrial Product Design course and changed the qualification to MA Product Design Innovation. The curriculum redesign is now the validated template for all postgraduate design courses at Coventry University. He introduced the use of project video output as an alternative to written formats to mitigate English language deficit among affected students.

4. Prof. Dr. Kisyani Laksono, M.Hum - Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia 


Graduated from Bachelor of Indonesian Literature at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Master of Indonesian Literature, Gadjah Mada University, Doctor of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. Head of Center for Literacy Studies, LPPM, Unesa from 2017-present. Actively researching the field of linguistics

5. Associate Prof. Dr. Siti Noor Fazelah Mohd Noor - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

As a senior lecturer and staff of Centre for Language Studies, Dr. Siti focuses her research on Systemic Functional linguistics, Appraisal analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Professional Communication, Literary studies, Media Studies

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The 5th International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics