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International Conference On Social Sciences and Law (ICSSL)

State University of Surabaya (Unesa) will hold an International Conference on Social Science and Law (ICSSL), taking the theme "Empowering The Role of Higher Education to Support the Achievements of SDGs".


    August 10, 2024 – August 10, 2024

    Keynote Speakers:

    -Dr. Narelle Warren

    Associate Professor School of Social Sciences Monash, University Australia

    -Dr. Azlan Abas

    Senior Lecturer Department of Environmental Management University Kebangsaan Malaysia

    -Dr. Yoo Bin Kim

    Senior Research Fellow Korea Labor Institute South Korea

    -Prof. Dr. Kim So-il

    Emeritus Professor Busan University of Foreign Studies South Korea

    -Dr. Ravinesh Rohit Prasad

    Associate Professor Department of Social Sciences College of Humanities and Education Fiji National University Fiji Island


    Important Dates

    Full Paper Submission Deadline

    • 10 June 2024 (Batch 1)
    • 10 July 2024 (Batch 2)

    Notification of Full Paper Review Result

    • 20 June 2024 (Batch 1)
    • 20 July 2024 (Batch 2)

    Full Paper Revision Deadline

    • 1 August 2024

    Early Bird Payment Deadline

    • 29 June 2024

    Regular Payment Deadline

    • 29 June 2024 (Batch 1)
    • 1 August 2024 (Batch 2)

    Conference Registration Deadline

    • 29 July 2024

    Conference Day

    • 10 August 2024


    Please access the following link to customize your manuscript with the template


    September 15, 2023 – September 16, 2023

    Keynote Speakers:

    -Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda

    International Islamic University Malaysia

    -Dr. Chang Da Wan

    The Head Foundation, Singapore

    -Prof. Mine Akihide Ph.D

    Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan

    -Amich Alhumani, Ph.D

    Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia


    Important Dates

    Abstract deadline: June, 4, 2023 (Extended Due Date)

    Notification of Acceptance: June, 16, 2023

    Final Full Paper deadline: August, 11, 2023

    Virtual Conference Presentation: September 09 - 10 2023


  • International Conference Social Sciences and Law Unesa 2022

    September 10, 2022 – September 11, 2022

    Keynote Speakers:

    -Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda

    International Islamic University Malaysia

    -Dr. Chang Da Wan

    The Head Foundation, Singapore

    -Prof. Mine Akihide Ph.D

    Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan

    -Amich Alhumani, Ph.D

    Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia


    Important Dates

    Abstract deadline: June, 4, 2023 (Extended Due Date)

    Notification of Acceptance: June, 16, 2023

    Final Full Paper deadline: August, 11, 2023

    Virtual Conference Presentation: September 09 - 10 2023


  • International Conference Social Sciences and Law Unesa 2021

    October 10, 2021 – October 11, 2021


    “TOWARD THE NEW NORMAL : Challenges and Innovation In Social Science, Education and Law Development”




    Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, Asean Eng. (Dirjen Dikti)



    1. Prof Mohammad Reevany Bustami, Ph.D (Development & Organizational Sociology) (USM-Malaysia)
    2. Prof. Jian-Bang Deng, Ph.D. (Tamkang University- Taiwan)
    3. Prof. Adriaan Bedner (Law and Society) ( Leiden University)*
    4. Prof. Dr. habil. Barbara Theilen-Willige (the Institute of Applied Geosciences) (Technische Universität Berlin (TUB))



    1.   Free Memory
    2.   Free Memory



    1. Free Memory
    2. Free Memory



    Full Paper Submission Deadline:

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Notification of Full Acceptance:

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Early Bird Payment Deadline:

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Payment Deadline

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Full Paper Revision Deadline

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Full Paper Camera Ready

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Conference Registration and Presenter Registration Deadline

    • Free Memory, 2021

    Conference Day

    • October 10-11, 2021



    • Bank : BTN (Bank Tabungan Negara)
    • Account Name : Free Memory
    • Virtual Account Number : Free Memory
    • Swift Code (for International Presenter) : Free Memory



    • Iman Purba (+62-852-7512-7040)


    Free Memory

    • Free Memory
    • Free Memory

The 5th International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (The 5th ICCSAL)

Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) will host The 5th International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (The 5th ICCSAL), formerly known as the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC), taking up a theme Inclusivity and Diversity in Culture, Arts, Humanity, Language, and Literature. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers around the globe who want to present on-going or completed research results in the broad area of cultural studies and applied linguistics. This conference will feature an hybrid plenary and individual sessions which address a wide range of topics within the fields.


    August 9, 2024 – August 10, 2024
  • The 4th International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics

    September 9, 2023 – September 10, 2023
  • The 3rd International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (The 3rd ICCSAL)

    September 10, 2022 – September 10, 2022

    Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) will host The 3rd International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (The 3rd ICCSAL), formerly known as the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC), taking up a theme Critical Issues in Languages, Arts, Cultures, and Social Sciences: Direction, Policy, and Practice on Post Pandemic Era. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers around the globe who want to present on-going or completed research results in the broad area of cultural studies and applied linguistics. This conference will feature an online plenary and individual sessions which address a wide range of topics within the fields.


    Invitation for a full paper submission will be closed on July 8, 2022 and notification of full paper acceptance for presentation will be announced on July 22, 2022. The full paper revision must be submitted by August 19, 2022 and full paper camera ready will be announced on August 26, 2022. The conference will be held online. The paper is written in academic English. The paper should include the purpose of study, methodology, results, discussion and implication. Abstract should be between 150-200 words long. The full paper should follow the template (download here) and must be between 4-6 pages long. For further information about OCS registration and paper submission, see OCS Guideline



    1.   Archiving local knowledge
    2.   Reflective practice in art making proses
    3.   Cultural policy and community
    4.   Film, media, and cultural transformation
    5.   Critical literacy and transformative social practice
    6.   Gender and religious identity
    7.   Indigenous studies
    8.   Discourse analysis
    9.   Corpus linguistics
    10. Translation studies
    11. Language ideology
    12. Innovation in language teaching and learning
    13. Equity-based language planning and language policy
    14. Reflective practice in assessment and evaluation
    15. Culturally responsive and anti-biased education


    1. Prof. Dr. Yahya Bin Don, Universiti Utara Malaysia

    Prof. Dr. Yahya Bin Don is the dean of School Education and Modern Languages at Universiti Utara Malaysia. His area of expertises cover Education Policy, Management and Educational Psychology, Social and Community Psychology. He has been publishing some research in the fields of School Management Policy & Educational Leadership Managerial and Social Psychology.


    2. Prof. Dr. Kim Soo-il

    Prof. Dr. Kim Soo-il is a Visiting Professor at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Indonesia. He is also the Chair Professor at Daeshin University, South Korea. He has been working with  Overseas Korean Study Supervisor at the Ministry of Education, Commissioned to Embassy of South Korea in Malaysia, becoming Secretary General at the Tourism Promotion Organization for Asia-Pacific Cities from 2018 to 2021. His research interest is in the social and political relationships, educational curriculum, and strategy for successful future for university students by learning foreign languages.


    3. Anis Sundusiyah Nahrawie, University of Pittsburgh

    Anis Sundusiyah is a Program Coordinator and responsible for the marketing at IISE. She supports the content creations of IISE marketing channels, including website and social media platforms. She is also hosting the IISE working group on language policies in education.

    Anis earned her PhD in Educational Leadership, at the School of Education, at the University of Pittsburgh. Her dissertation research, entitled "Language Policy Rationales, Appropriation and Debates", discussed educational language policy in Indonesia as reflected in English-mediated instruction practices in international schools.

    She has diverse experiences in teaching, research and leadership at the university. Her research interests include language policy and planning, international education, global English, applied linguistics, TESOL, qualitative method and interpretive policy analysis.

    4. Dr. Djuli Djatiprambudi, M.Sn., Universitas Negeri Surabaya

    Dr. Djuli Djatiprambudi, M.Sn. graduated from the Doctoral Program in Fine Arts, Institut Teknologi Bandung Postgraduate School in 2009. Since 1986 until now, he has been active in writing in a number of mass media and scientific journals of art, education, and culture. His research interests are in Fine Arts and culture.  He is a lecturer in Art Criticism, Aesthetics, Art Theory, Art Research Methods, and Statistics at the Department of Fine Arts, Department of Design, and Postgraduate Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. He is also a lecturer, supervisor, and guest examiner in the Doctoral Program of UNNES Art Education, UGM Fine Arts Studies, ITB Fine Arts, and UNAIR Social Sciences.


    1.   Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D.
    2.   Miftachul Amri, M.Pd., M.Ed.
    3.   Anis Tri Susana, M.Pd.
    4.   Hespi Septiana, M.Pd.
    5.   Laily Maulida Septiana Harti, S.S., M.AppLing.
    6.   Vivi Ervina Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    7.   Cicik Arista, S.Pd., M.TCSOL.
    8.   Fajar Ratna Handayani, S.Kom.
    9.   Tri Cahyo Kusumandyoko, S.Sn., M.Ds.
    10.  Muh. Ariffudin Islam, S.Sn., M.Sn.
    11.  Moch. Masrur, S.T.

    12.  Muhammad Farhan Masrur, S.Pd., M.A.
    13.  Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd. 
    14. Yunanfathur Rahman, S.Pd., M.A.
    15. Tsuroyya, M.A.
    16. Syafi’ul Anam, Ph.D. 
    17. Lina Purwaning Hartanti, M.EIL.
    18. Masilva Raynox Mael, S.Pd., M.Pd. 
    19. Cicilia Deandra Maya Putri, S.Hum., M.A.
    20. Audrey Gabriella Titaley, S.Pd., M.Hum.
    21. Ike Sri Wahyuningtyas
    22. Yakup, S.Sos., M.M.


    Full Paper Submission Deadline:

    • Batch 1: July 8, 2022

    • Batch 2: July 22, 2022 (Extended Submission : August 10, 2022)

    Notification of Full Acceptance:

    • Batch 1: July 22, 2022

    Early Bird Payment Deadline:

    • July 29, 2022

    Payment Deadline

    • September 5, 2022

    Full Paper Revision Deadline

    • Batch 1: August 19, 2022

    Full Paper Camera Ready

    • Batch 1: August 26, 2022

    Conference Registration and Presenter Registration Deadline

    • August 31, 2022

    Conference Day

    • September 10, 2022


    Indonesian Presenter

    Conference  Fee

    Publication Fee




    IDR 750.000

    IDR 2.500.000

    IDR 2.000.000

    Early Bird

    IDR 600.000

    IDR 2.500.000

    IDR 2.000.000


    IDR   375.000

    IDR 2.500.000

    IDR 2.000.000


    IDR      50.000



    International Presenter

    Conference Fee




    $ 75

    $ 175

    $ 140


    $ 35

    $ 175

    $ 140

    Early Bird

    $ 50

    $ 175

    $ 140


    $ 10




    Conference Payment can be made via Electronic Bank Transfer to :

    • Bank : BTN (Bank Tabungan Negara)
    • Account Name : ICCSAL
    • Virtual Account Number : 94220-91-51-720-915010-5
    • Swift Code (for International Presenter) : BTANIDJA


    • Laily (+6281917312180)
    • Vivi (+6285726518765)


    • Fajar Ratna (+62895620123394)
    • M. Masrur (+6285884285388)


    October 2, 2021 – October 2, 2021

    Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) will host The 2nd International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (The 2nd ICCSAL), formerly known as the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC), taking up a theme Critical Issues in Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences: Pride, Legacy, and Modernity. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers around the globe who want to present on-going or completed research results in the broad area of cultural studies and applied linguistics. This conference will feature an online plenary and individual sessions which address a wide range of topics within the fields.


    Invitation for a full paper submission will be closed on 15 August 2021 and notification of full paper acceptance for presentation will be announced on 25 August 2021. The full paper revision must be submitted by 9 September 2021 and full paper camera ready will be announced on 17 September 2021. The conference will be held online. The paper is written in academic English. The paper should include the purpose of study, methodology, results, discussion and implication. Abstract should be between 150-200 words long. The full paper should follow the template (download here) and must be between 4-6 pages long. For further information about OCS registration and paper submission, see OCS Guideline. Selected papers will be published in CRC Press/Balkema indexed by Scopus and in Atlantis Press proceedings series.



    1.   Archiving local knowledge
    2.   Reflective practice in art making proses
    3.   Cultural policy and community
    4.   Film, media, and cultural transformation
    5.   Critical literacy and transformative social practice
    6.   Gender and religious identity
    7.   Indigenous studies
    8.   Discourse analysis
    9.   Corpus linguistics
    10. Translation studies
    11. Language ideology
    12. Innovation in language teaching and learning
    13. Equity-based language planning and language policy
    14. Reflective practice in assessment and evaluation
    15. Culturally responsive and anti-biased education


    1. Prof. Greg Kessler, Ph.D.

    Department Chair, Innovative Learning and Design Technology, Ohio University (USA)

    Greg Kessler has published extensively and delivered keynotes and featured talks around the world.  His research addresses technology, teaching, learning, culture and language with an emphasis on teacher preparation. He is the founding editor of the CALICO Equinox book series, Advances in CALL Practice & Research, and the Language Teaching & Technology forum in the journal Language Learning & Technology among others. He is currently chair of the Educational Studies department at Ohio University.


    2. Dr. Lydia Kieven

    Department of Asian Arts History, University of Bonn (Germany)

    Dr. Lydia Kieven, born in Germany, is an expert on ancient Javanese temple reliefs. She obtained her PhD degree at the University of Sydney (2009); the revision of the thesis „Following the cap-figures in Majapahit temple reliefs“ was published in 2013, and in 2014/2017 in Indonesian language. She has been teaching at German universities. At present she is working as free researcher and lecturer at University of Bonn. Her focus is on Javanese/Indonesian ancient art and literature, and the heritage of Javanese traditions. She has been active for many years in programmes on the ‘Panji-traditions’ in Java. Her book about the process of revitalisation and transformation of the Panji traditions was published by Ombak Publisher Yogyakarta in 2018 in Indonesian language: „Menelusuri Panji dan Sekartaji. Proses revitalisasi tradisi Panji dan transformasinya pada Zaman kini“. For more of her research/publication, visit


    3. Dr. Jonnie Hill

    University of Szeged (Hungary)

    The last three years of working in an adult literacy program have taken her on a bit of a professional detour.  In exploring adult education in America, she has attended many seminars, but in the hectic busyness of reporting, teaching, assessing, and being a resource for her colleagues for online teaching and testing during the pandemic, she has had little time for reflection and even less time for preparing my observations and findings for formal publication. The research she presents in the 2nd ICCSAL represents her thoughts and observations examined through the lens of current research regarding the influence of culture, equality, and conflict on language education. This research will bring together themes of my previous research: engaging language teaching methodology, technology, and culture. These themes have followed her as she has ventured into a world different from the familiar world of teaching English as a foreign language, where she spent more than two decades.


    4. Prof. Slamet Setiawan, Ph.D.

    Professor, English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia)

    Slamet Setiawan is a Professor in the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. He obtained his B.A. in ELT at Universitas Negeri Surabaya; his MA at the University of Auckland, New Zealand; and his Ph.D. at the University of Western Australia (both in Linguistics). His educational background leads him to be interested in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in English Language Teaching. His works appeared in Heliyon, Asian EFL Journal, Asian ESP Journal, GJAT: Global Journal of Al-Thaqafah, 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, and LLR: Language Related Research. He can be reached at For more of his research/publication, visit Scholar, and ORCID.


    1.   Andrzej Cirocki, Ph.D. (UK)
    2.   Jonnie Hill, Ph.D. (USA)
    3.   Dr. Timothy Laurie (Australia)
    4.   Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd.
    5.   Dr. Trisakti, M.Si.
    6.   Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, Ph.D.
    7.   Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D.
    8.   Dr. Anas Ahmadi, M.Pd.


    1.   Lina Purwaning Hartanti, M.EIL.
    2.   Yunanfathur Rahman, M.A.
    3.   Tsuroyya, M.A.
    4.   Anis Tri Susana, M.Pd.
    5.   Hespi Septiana, M.Pd.
    6.   Laily Maulida Septiana Harti, S.S., M.AppLing.
    7.   Vivi Ervina Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    8.   Moch. Masrur, S.T.
    9.   Fajar Ratna Handayani, S.Kom.
    10.  Tri Cahyo Kusumandyoko, S.Sn., M.Ds.
    11.  Muh. Ariffudin Islam, S.Sn., M.Sn.
    12. Syafi’ul Anam, Ph.D.
    13. Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, Ph.D.
    14. Dr. Didik Nurhadi
    15. Prof. Slamet Setiawan
    16. Masilva Raynox Mael, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    17. Silvy Cinthia Adelia, S.S., M.A.
    18. Audrey Gabriella Titaley, S.Pd., M.Hum.
    19. Asrori, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    20. Muhammad Farhan Masrur, S.Pd., M.A.
    21. Yakup, S.Sos., M.M.


    Full Paper Submission Deadline:

    • August 15, 2021

    Notification of Full Acceptance:

    • August 25, 2021

    Early Bird Payment Deadline:

    • August 31, 2021

    Payment Deadline

    • September 9, 2021

    Full Paper Revision Deadline

    • September 9, 2021

    Full Paper Camera Ready

    • September 17, 2021

    Conference Registration and Presenter Registration Deadline

    • September 24, 2021

    Conference Day

    • October 2, 2021



    Conference Payment can be made via Electronic Bank Transfer to :

    • Bank : BTN (Bank Tabungan Negara)
    • Account Name : ICCSAL
    • Virtual Account Number : 94220-91-51-720-915010-5
    • Swift Code (for International Presenter) : BTANIDJA


    • Laily (+6281917312180)
    • Vivi (+6285726518765)


    • Fajar Ratna (+62895620123394)
    • M. Masrur (+6285884285388)


    Indonesian Presenter

    Conference Fee

    Publication Fee

    CRC / AP



    Rp 750.000

    Rp 1.500.000

    Rp 350.000

    Early Bird

    Rp 500.000

    Rp 1.500.000

    Rp 350.000


    Rp 350.000

    Rp 1.500.000

    Rp 350.000

    International Presenter

    Conference Fee

    Publication Fee

    CRC / AP



    $ 75

    $ 150

    $ 35

    Early Bird

    $ 50

    $ 150

    $ 35


    $ 35

    $ 150

    $ 35

  • The 2020 International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (ICCSAL)

    October 4, 2020 – October 4, 2020


    Sunday, October 4th 2020






    General Plenary Session, Sunday, October 4, 2020


    Online Registration (Technical meeting Preparation and On the Spot registration)


    30 minutes



    Opening and Rules Guidance for the Virtual Confrence


    10 minutes



    Welcoming Session


    10 minutes

    Prof Dr Nurhasan, M.Kes. (Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya)


    Keynote Speaker 1


    30 minutes

    Dr. George Jacobs, President, Centre for a Responsible Future, Singapore


    Keynote Speaker 2

    09.05 – 09.35

    30 minutes

    Prof Peter Charles Taylor, Murdoch University, Western Australia Director of International of Transformative Education Research Networking (ITERN)


    Discussion (Question&Answer)


    20 minutes


    Sub Plenary Session, Sunday, October 4, 2020


    Invited Speaker 1

    10.10 – 10.30

    20 minutes

    Dr. Mashitah Hamidi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Administration and Social Justice, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia


    Invited Speaker 2

    10.30 – 10.50

    20 minutes

    Dr. Jiradej Setabundhu, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand


    Discussion (Question&Answer)

    10.50 – 11.05

    15 minutes

    Moderator ICCSAL

    Session Break

    Roundtable Discussion, Sunday, October 4, 2020


    Roundtable/Presenter Speech and QA (Question and Answer) Session 1

    12.00 – 13.30

    90 minutes

    Presenter and Moderator, Assistance Moderator




    Room 1 – 5


    Roundtable/Presenter Speech and QA  (Question and Answer)  Session 2

    13.40 – 15.10

    90 minutes

    Presenter and Moderator, Assistance Moderator




    Room 1 – 5


    Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) will host ICCSAL (International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics), formerly known as the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC), taking up a theme Unearthing Social Justice in Cultural and Language Issues. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers around the globe who want to present on-going or completed research results in the broad area of cultural studies and applied linguistics. This conference will feature an online plenary and individual sessions which address a wide range of topics within the fields.


    Invitation for abstract submission will be closed on 30 June 2020 and notification of abstract acceptance for presentation will be announced on 14 July 2020. The full paper must be submitted by 14 August 2020 and full paper acceptance notification will be announced on 30 August 2020. The conference will be held online. The paper is written in academic English. The paper should include the purpose of study, methodology, results, discussion and implication. Abstract should be between 150-200 words long. The full paper should follow the template (download here) and must be between 4-6 pages long. For further information about OCS registration and paper submisision, see OCS Guideline. Selected papers will be published in Atlantis Press proceedings series and proposed to be indexed by Web of Science.


    1.   Archiving local knowledge
    2.   Reflective practice in art making proses
    3.   Cultural policy and community
    4.   Film, media, and cultural transformation
    5.   Critical literacy and transformative social practice
    6.   Gender and religious identity
    7.   Indigenous studies
    8.   Discourse analysis
    9.   Corpus linguistics
    10. Translation studies
    11. Language ideology
    12. Innovation in language teaching and learning
    13. Equity-based language planning and language policy
    14. Reflective practice in assessment and evaluation
    15. Culturally responsive and anti-biased education


    Dr. George Jacobs

    President, Centre for a Responsible Future, Singapore

    Dr. George Jacobs is a frequent writer, teacher, speaker, and practitioner on such topics as Cooperative Learning, Student-Centered Learning, Language Education, Ecolinguistics, Environmental Education, and Humane Education. Among his recent publications are Student-centered cooperative learning, Perspectives on a 2019 tiger-human interaction incident in Malaysia, Helping students create their own books the dialogic way, and It’s getting easier to eat a ‘climate cooling’ diet. Many of his publications are available for free download at One of his favorite books was published in Indonesia, with a team of Indonesian university lecturers led by Professor Anita Lie: English via environmental education.



    1. Dr. Mashitah Hamidi

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Administration and Social Justice, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia

    Mashitah Hamidi, Senior Lecturer in Social Work for marginalized groups focusing on labor and gendered migration, stateless people and refugees in the Department of Administration and Social Justice, University of Malaya. She obtained her Bachelor Science (Hons) Human Development and Masters Human Resource Development (MHRD) from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She pursued her Ph.D. in Sociology at La Trobe University, Australia. Her areas of research include development studies and social services system of transnational labor migration, stateless and refugees group. She handles numerous number of research including Indonesian Women Migrants in Malaysia, Stateless Children in Chow Kit Kuala Lumpur, Rohingya Refugees Community, and joint-research with Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia on gendered migration project. Mashitah involves as Consultant team members of National projects such as Malaysian Social Workers Knowledge and Practice (2018), Inclusive Campus Framework for Disable Students – MyU-OKU (2019) and Sarawak Well-Being Index (2019-2020).

    2. Dr. Jiradej Setabundhu

    Vice President for Academic Affairs, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand

    Jiradej Setabundhu studied music with Bruce Gaston at Chulalongkorn University. He attended the University of Southern California for his master’s degree, studying with composer Donald Crockett, and received his doctoral degree in composition from Northwestern University. His teachers include M. William Karlins, Marta Ptaszynska, Amnon Wolman, Michael Pisaro and Stephen Syverud. Currently, he is the vice president for academic affairs at the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand. He has been the recipient of the Michael Mason Scholarship, the NSCO Composers Award, the William T. Faricy Composition Award, the Yoshiro Irino Prize and the Composers Guild Award. His composition has been performed in China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Slovenia, Thailand, the United States, and Vietnam.



    1. Andrzej Cirocki, Ph.D. (York University, UK)
    2. Dr. Mashitah Hamidi (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
    3. Dr. Timothy Laurie (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
    4. Prof. Bambang Yulianto (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia)
    5. Dr. Trisakti (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia)
    6. Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, Ph.D. (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia)




    1.   Lina Purwaning Hartanti, M.EIL.
    2.   Dr. Danang Tandyonomanu
    3.   Tsuroyya, M.A.
    4.   Anis Tri Susana, M.Pd.
    5.   Laily Maulida Septiana Harti, S.S., M.AppLing.
    6.   Vivi Ervina Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    7.   Hespi Septiana, M.Pd.
    8.   Moch. Masrur, S.T.
    9.   Masilva Raynox Mael, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    10. Dadang Rhubido, S.Hum., M.Hum.
    11. Tri Cahyo Kusumandyoko, S.Sn., M.Ds.

    12. Muh Ariffudin Islam, S.Sn., M.Sn.
    13. Hartono, S.Pd.
    14. Syafi’ul Anam, Ph.D.
    15. Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, Ph.D.
    16. Dr. Didik Nurhadi, M. Pd., M. A.
    17. Dr. Setyo Yanuartuti, M.Si.
    18. Dwi Imroatu Julaikah, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    19. Rahmi Rahmayati, M.Pd.
    20. Dr. Anas Ahmadi
    21. Danang Wijoyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
    22. Yakup, S.Sos., M.M.


    Indonesian Presenter

    Conference Fee

    Publication Fee


    Rp   750.000

    Rp 1.500.000

    Early Bird

    Rp   500.000

    Rp 1.500.000


    Rp   350.000

    Rp 1.500.000

    International Presenter

    Conference Fee

    Publication Fee


    $  75

    $ 150

    Early Bird

    $  50

    $ 150


    $  35

    $ 150



    Abstract Submission Deadline

    • Batch I: May 23, 2020
    • Batch II: June 6, 2020
    • Batch III: June 30, 2020 (New)

    Notification of Abstract Acceptance

    • Batch I: June 5, 2020
    • Batch II: June 19, 2020
    • Batch III: July 14, 2020 (New)

    Full Paper Submission Deadline

    • Batch I: July 26, 2020
    • Batch II: August 7, 2020
    • Batch III: August 14, 2020 (New)

    Notification of Full Paper Acceptance

    • Batch I: August 19, 2020
    • Batch II: August 26, 2020
    • Batch III: August 30, 2020 (New)

    Early Bird Payment Deadline

    • Batch I: July 26, 2020
    • Bacth II: August 7, 2020

    Payment Deadline

    • September 10, 2020 (NEW)

    Full Paper Revision Deadline

    • September 10, 2020 (New)

    Full Paper Camera Ready

    • September 18, 2020

    Conference Registration and Presenter Registration Deadline

    • September 27, 2020

    Conference Day

    • October 4, 2020

    Contact Person

    • Layli (+6281917312180)
    • Vivi (+6285726518765)

    IT Support

    • Masrur (+6285884285388)

International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2024

The organizing Committee of the 8th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2024 is an interdisciplinary platform for teachers, researchers, practitioners, and academicians to present and discuss the latest research findings, concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of education. The conference will provide unlimited opportunities to interact with prominent key persons in the field and greatly expand your global network of scholars and professionals. The paper submitted should have never been published or submitted for publication anywhere else. After the selection process has finished, the papers accepted by the committee will be given a chance to be presented and will be published in the proceeding. The papers and presentation materials should be written in English.

International Conference on Education (ICEI) promotes and facilitates new multifaceted approaches to one of the core issues of our time, namely Elevating Education and teaching systems to empower the excellent civilization. Awareness of how It cuts across the world education, and its subsequent impact on societies, institutions and individuals, is a driving force in educational policies and practices across the globe. The conference presents those taking part with three unique dimensions of experience, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange. In short, ICEI’s conferences on education are about the change, transformation and social justice in the digital era.

Education not only improves and individual’s personality, but it also brings changes in the society and helps it become a civilized society. Education is the most important thing to acquire by everyone. Education also allows people to know their rights, confidently stand out among others, and achieve their goals. It also educates them to connect to their norms and become grounded civilians. ICEI  has several annual conferences on education, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda that develops an interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

In the upcoming event, the 8th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2024 is organized by Universitas Negeri Surabaya, will be held on 10 August, 2024 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The conferences will be conducted online (Virtual Conference).


  • 8th ICEI 2024

    August 10, 2024 – August 11, 2024

    The organizing Committee of the 8th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2024 is an interdisciplinary platform for teachers, researchers, practitioners, and academicians to present and discuss the latest research findings, concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of education. The conference will provide unlimited opportunities to interact with prominent key persons in the field and greatly expand your global network of scholars and professionals. The paper submitted should have never been published or submitted for publication anywhere else. After the selection process has finished, the papers accepted by the committee will be given a chance to be presented and will be published in the proceeding. The papers and presentation materials should be written in English.

    International Conference on Education (ICEI) promotes and facilitates new multifaceted approaches to one of the core issues of our time, namely Elevating Education and teaching systems to empower the excellent civilization. Awareness of how It cuts across the world education, and its subsequent impact on societies, institutions and individuals, is a driving force in educational policies and practices across the globe. The conference presents those taking part with three unique dimensions of experience, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange. In short, ICEI’s conferences on education are about the change, transformation and social justice in the digital era.

    Education not only improves and individual’s personality, but it also brings changes in the society and helps it become a civilized society. Education is the most important thing to acquire by everyone. Education also allows people to know their rights, confidently stand out among others, and achieve their goals. It also educates them to connect to their norms and become grounded civilians. ICEI  has several annual conferences on education, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda that develops an interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

    In the upcoming event, the 8th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2024 is organized by Universitas Negeri Surabaya, will be held on 10 August, 2024 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The conferences will be conducted online (Virtual Conference).

  • 7th ICEI 2023

    August 27, 2023 – August 28, 2023

    The organizing Committee of the 7th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2023 is an interdisciplinary platform for teachers, researchers, practitioners, and academicians to present and discuss the latest research findings, concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of education. The conference will provide unlimited opportunities to interact with prominent key persons in the field and greatly expand your global network of scholars and professionals.

    The paper submitted should have never been published or submitted for publication anywhere else. After the selection process has finished, the papers accepted by the committee will be given a chance to be presented and will be published in the proceeding. The papers and presentation materials should be written in English.

    International Conference on Education (ICEI) promotes and facilitates new multifaceted approaches to one of the core issues of our time, namely Elevating Education and teaching systems to empower the excellent civilization. Awareness of how It cuts across the world education, and its subsequent impact on societies, institutions and individuals, is a driving force in educational policies and practices across the globe. The conference presents those taking part with three unique dimensions of experience, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange. In short, ICEI’s conferences on education are about the change, transformation and social justice in the digital era.

    Education not only improves and individual’s personality, but it also brings changes in the society and helps it become a civilized society. Education is the most important thing to acquire by everyone. Education also allows people to know their rights, confidently stand out among others, and achieve their goals. It also educates them to connect to their norms and become grounded civilians. ICEI  has several annual conferences on education, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda that develops an interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

    In the upcoming event, the 7th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2022 is organized by Universitas Negeri Surabaya, will be held on 26 August, 2023 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The conferences will be conducted online (Virtual Conference).

    Keynote Speaker

    1. Prof. Joseph Calvin Gagnon, Ph.D.  (Professor of Special Education, University of Helsinki, Finland)

    2. Prof. Luzile Mae Satur (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Cologne University)

    3. Prof. Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan, Ph. (DUniversity of Science Malaysia (USM), Malaysia)

    4. Prof. Dr. Mochammad Nursalim, M.Si (Guidance and Counseling Program Study, Faculty of EducationUniversitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia)


    Invited Speakers

    1.Dr. Ronald Macanip Quileste.  (Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Philippines)

    2. Dr. Sahib Khatoon (Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Pakistan)


    Important Dates

    Early Bird Registration deadline

    May 31th, 2023

    Regular registration deadline

    August 1st, 2023

    Abstract submission deadline

    March 15th, 2023 - April 30th, 2023

    Abstract submission deadline extended

    May 14th, 2023

    Abstract acceptance notification

    May 12th, 2023

    Full paper submission deadline (Camera-ready)

    May 15th, 2023 – June, 15th, 2023



    Upload PPT & Video

    August 25th, 2023

    Conference Date

    August 26th, 2023


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

The 5th International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics