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Importance Performance Analysis on Smart Village Implementation in Tikusan Village, Bojonegoro Regency
Galih Wahyu Pradana, Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf, Revienda Anita Fitrie

Last modified: 2023-09-14


Technological development has now become a benchmark for the progress of a country. The government as the most important actor in the development of a country and in order to respond to the industrial revolution 4.0 must encourage the application of information and communication technology in the implementation of governance, because the application of technology in the management of social life is considered to facilitate and improve services that are fast, effective, and efficient.  The application of Electronic Government in the Village Government can be the main locomotive that can push villages towards progress so that villages can also advance the Indonesian economy because Indonesia's territory is mostly rural. The Tikusan Village Government innovates in utilizing technology by conducting digital-based public services at the initiation of the Village Head, the background of which began during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit in 2020. In its implementation, the use of technology in public agencies is still considered less than optimal. Indonesian people still tend to adapt to advances in technology, information and communication. This is shown by the uneven implementation of smart villages in all villages in Indonesia. This problem is certainly closely related to the availability of human resources capable of managing and utilizing technology as well as the ability of the community to access existing digital information. Previous research shows that some internet-based services have not been optimally implemented at the local government level, more specifically at the village government level. Therefore, this research will focus on the study of digital literacy of village officials and the relationship between the quality of human resources of village officials and efforts to realize the Smart Village concept.

Keywords: Technology, IPA, Smart Village