the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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Design of Learning Media Application With The Rapid Application Development Method
Shinta Aprilisa, Zulkardi Zulkardi, Samsuryadi Samsuryadi

Last modified: 2021-10-19


The learning process from year to year has developed very rapidly and is accompanied by rapid technological developments, one of which is the use of learning media applications. Learning applications currently have learning standards consisting of basic competencies and indicators as a reference for materials, questions, and assignments. This study focuses on making learning media applications for math problems with the theme of object configuration and number lines. The purpose of this research is to develop learning media that can make it easier for teachers to convey material and students in understanding the existing material. Learning media applications will be developed using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method with stages, namely requirements planning, system design, development process and feedback collection, as well as product implementation or completion. This application is built using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript as a programming language. The results of this study are to produce learning media applications for Mathematics subjects in junior high schools and are declared successful in application testing. In addition, this learning media can be an additional teaching material so that students can directly see the learning object. Based on these results, it can be concluded that this application is feasible to be implemented as a teacher's tool in the learning process in delivering information.


learning media, rapid application development, adobe flash professional CS5