the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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How Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Deal with Mathematical Literacy Problems? A Case Study
Rita Novita, Tatang Herman, Didi Suryadi, Dadan Dasari

Last modified: 2021-12-02


Pre-service elementary teachers (PSETs) must understand in-depth mathematical concepts and procedures. Still, they must also improve their mathematical ability and skills in solving mathematical problems and applying them in all aspects of life. Such mathematical capacity is known as mathematical literacy. This study aimed to describe the mathematical ability of PSETs in solving mathematical literacy problems. Some Errors and obstacles PSETs face in struggling to solve mathematical literacy problems are also described.  This study is expected to make a valuable contribution to designing learning or other development programs for PSETs related to mathematical literacy. 73 PSETs of one private university in Banda Aceh, Indonesia participated in this research. The qualitative method with a case study design was used in this research. Data were collected using tests (the sequences of PISA and PISA-like problems in moderate and most difficult levels) and interviews. The results showed that the ability of PSETs in solving mathematical literacy problems was still low. The limits in answering the problem reveal that most PSETs struggle to formalize real-life problems into mathematics, even though a lack of knowledge of related mathematical topics is also a factor to consider.


Pre-Service elementary teacher, Mathematical literacy