the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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Strengthening Students’ Motivation in Statistics Online Learning Through Interactive Animation Media on Android Smartphone
Ni Wayan Dewinta Ayuni, Agus Adi Putrawan

Last modified: 2021-12-01


Students’ motivation plays an important role in increasing students’ ability and learning outcome, especially in online learning. Strengthening students’ motivation can be conducted by using a proper and creative learning media. With an interesting media will make students enthusiastic in taking lessons. The learning process will also be effective, interesting and easier for educators in delivering messages by using an interesting learning media. To transform a learning media, technology can be a powerful tool to be used. The purpose of this study is to improve the students’ motivation in Statistics Online Learning by implementing an interactive animation learning media that can be accessed by Android Smartphone. The data of students’ motivation in an experiment class (52 students) and control class (52 students) were taken using questionnaire. Students’ motivation then were classified as high or low motivation. The data were analyzed using Chi Square analysis. Results showed that there is a significant difference of motivation in experiment class and control class. Odd ratio between experiment and control class was 5.41. It meant that the Interactive Animation Media on Android Smartphone can increase the potential of students’ motivation in Statistics Online Learning by 5.41 times.


motivation, statistics online learning, interactive animation media