the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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Improving Reading Comprehension of Simple Reading Text Using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy For Deaf Students
Reza Akbar Fauzan, Asri - Wijiastuti, Yuliati - -

Last modified: 2021-12-04


The purpose of this study was to describe the steps in using the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy to improve reading comprehension skills of simple reading texts in class VII deaf students of SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings. The subjects used were students of class VII SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya with a total of 10 students. While the object used is a simple reading text. The data sources of this research are students and teachers. Data collection techniques using tests, observations, interviews and documentation. Test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. And for data analysis used is qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that this DRTA strategy can improve students' reading comprehension skills with reading steps that have been made in a structured manner and students can actively respond positively in participating in learning.


DRTA Strategy; reading comprehension