the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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Students’ Spatial Ability through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach (RME) assisted by Geogebra Software
Khairul Busyra

Last modified: 2021-10-07


Spatial ability is one of the necessary abilities in studying geometry that require visual interpretation. Conversely, the reality shows that student’ spatial abilities are classified as less. Students have difficulty in constructing and visualizing geometric shapes, through a realistic mathematical approach assisted by Geogebra software, it is expected to be able to develop student’ spatial abilities. Here, the aims of this study was to identify students’ spatial abilities through a realistic mathematics education approach (RME) aided by Geogebra software. The approach that used in this research was mixed method with sequential explanatory type. The research sample was the student in class VIII-F Darul Ihsan Boarding School Abu Krueng Kale Aceh Besar with totaling 15 students. After analyzing the quantitative data and then followed by interviews the student to clarify the results of this study. In addition, the research instrument was the spatial ability test as a quantitative instrument and interview guidelines as a qualitative instrument. The results indicated that there were twelve (80%) students who met the visualization ability and three (20%) students did not meet this ability. Therefore, it is necessary to study further concerning about students with poor spatial abilities to identify the difficulties experienced by students in solving spatial problems.


Spatial Ability, Realistic Mathematics Education Approach (RME), Geogebra software