the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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Mnemonic Devices in Solving Mathematical Story Problems: A Review of the Literature
Afiqah Bari’ah Haji Emran, Masitah Shahrill

Last modified: 2021-10-09


In the 21st Century, challenges are invariably occurring as Brunei Darussalam adapts to the modernisation era. It is crucial to develop independent and innovative problem-solvers to overcome challenges. Students’ dependence on the keyword tactics and formula approach to tackle story problems in Mathematics demonstrates inadequate intelligence and weak problem-solving abilities. A mnemonic is an instructional strategy designed to enhance students’ memory retention of crucial and complex information. The application of mnemonics in Mathematics lessons in various parts of the world has shown that it significantly facilitated students with varying abilities to solve multiple story problems more effectively. However, there are limited studies conducted on mnemonics to tackle story problems in the secondary level in Brunei. This review intends to examine earlier findings associated with utilising different mnemonics in solving mathematical story problems, the results and influences of using mnemonics on learners’ accomplishment, and recognise the hollows, if they exist, in the past works of literature.


Problem-solving; Story problems; Secondary Mathematics; Mnemonics; Memory