the 8th South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) - UNESA 2020, The 8th SEA DR and the 2nd STEACH international Conference 2021

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Readability of HOT Mathematical Problems in Disaster Context for Junior High School Students
Fahlida Harnita, Rahmah Johar, Rina Suryani Oktari

Last modified: 2021-12-01


Disaster mitigation efforts in learning mathematics need to be carried out to foster disaster awareness in students through Higher-Order Thinking (HOT) mathematical problems in a disaster context. Hence, one effort that can be made is to design HOT math problems with disaster context. However, the problems developed have not been subjected to the readability test stage by students. This study aims to analyze the readability of HOT mathematical problems in a disaster context for junior high school students. This study employed development research limited to the stages of one-to-one and small group only. This study resulted in 16 HOT math problems in a disaster context for junior high school students which had passed the readability test. This research is expected to provide a scientific contribution as a basis and reference for further research. The HOT math problems that have been tested for readability can be used by teachers in the teaching and learning process in the classroom.


higher-order thinking; problem readability; disaster mitigation